Senin, 01 Maret 2010
On Packing
Selasa, 15 Desember 2009
So ugly without thoughts
In the background: How soon is now?
The clock is ticking, very fast I must say. And here I am, stopping everything. Every work, conversation, just me and my thoughts. And the Smiths of course.
It is so hard to work my ass off this day. I try to do this, it didn’t work. Try other way, same thing happened. Take a break in order to get enlightment, then the guilty feelinfg crept in and I drag my ass off to work again. I might as well enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and baileys.
I could not write or post picture everywhere, I just can’t. And this blog lay out turned out to be so ugly. Watjefuk.
So the Smiths to the rescue enjoy this video:
Senin, 12 Oktober 2009
Declaration of Dependence - orgasmic momento
Without being endorsed by any brands or institutions, these are the stuffs I have been addicting to in recent days.
- Latte Machiato – yes, a perfect combination of milk, foam and delicis coffee
- Sultana – a guilt free biscuit
- - a perfect birthday present from a perfect lady. Yes, ma’am, will shout it loud to the world.
- A newbie stripes sweater – can’t help it, for me stripes are cool and never run out of time. Yes, I’m a big fan of Where’s Wally.
- A new famous brand winter jacket – a perfect birthday present for a perfect time
- My brown and pink all-star shoes – have arrived savely last month and been successly replaced the function of brown boots until now.
- Tom Yam, green curry, chicken soup or anything he cooked
- Heineken – as always
- Declaration of Dependence – new album by Kings of Convenience. Heart almost every song, every words and just can have enough words to explain it.
Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009
All of these things that I've done

Today is a koopzondag day. That means shops, open at this first Monday at the month. Although not of all of them, Asian store refuses to participate in this event although I bet Chinesse store would like to do more. Since I need to buy a birthday present for a friend, I took as an excuse to stroll around.
The chill weather is running back, but the sun is shining. First stop is to buy a top-up credit for my friend somewhere in her origin country. I don’t know what her plan is, but let’s stop asking questions and just act. Next stop is a window shopping at Body shop where I usually feel like home and broke all at once. After that HEMA, for a very special smell and a one-stop-shopping place. And then walk around again to find earmuffs for my friend’s winter supplies. Unluckily, didn’t find one. Well, we found one, very fluffy and in pink color. He dislikes it, for sure. We wondered, earmuffs are one of the essential things, why don’t they just sell it everywhere, even in a supermarket? Drop at my favorite naturalist shop where we impulsively bought glycerine hand cream. Walk again, and smell the coffee. Ok, let’s sit under the sun and take a sip. Ouwh, first, let’s hit the bookstore. Spent too much time at the place as usual. I got a book and he got an interesting desktop table-tennis set. Had some snacks then relaxing at the cafĂ©. Ordered coffee and revealed some of the fieldwork stories. The tiny cups of espresso arrived. Whopsie, not that one. I mean the warm big cups, so we ordered macchiato latte. Spent more time for more stories then walked home in a windy afternoon. Amused my self with the world web and tv. Cooked tasteless dinner but be happy with it anyway, after all the nutrition that counts.
All these things that I've done. Just to let hours, days, weeks and month pass by, to be next to you.
Hold on baby, hold on.
When there's nowhere else to run / Is there room for one more son / One more son / If you can hold on, hold on
All the Things that I’ve Done- the Killers
Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009
On weight matters
Jumat, 24 Juli 2009
The weather man
this afternoon at the elevator i met one of my colleagues. she always dress nicely, very much girly. i think she's somewhat a fashionholic. today, she's wearing white sleeveless t-shirt with embroidery on it, a pedal pusher denim trousers and a beautiful strappy sandals. i really wish i wore those sandals. the sun was shining when we did a check on termostat.
she wished she saw at least 24.
i laughed. i don't trust the sunshine anymore, said i. i mean, i'm glad when it is warm and sun shiny, and i always make a good use of it. but i don't expect them to stay longer.
i take a look at my self at the mirror. i was tempted to wear a short skirt but recently i don't pay much attention to the outfit. so, white cross t-shirt, bell bottom pair of jeans and teva's pair. that's it. and choose a jacket according to the mood.
and here i am now, at the end of the day, when suddenly the rain was pouring heavily.
ouw wow. sometimes i am glad that i am more into comfortable things than a glittery look. and this is also the same case with people.
ok, guys. gotta go back to the work. gotta stop blogging for a while. even more when this blog turns to be a weather report rather than a documentation of a college student life.
maybe i should get a life.
So I'm listening for the weather to predict the coming day
Leave all thought of expectation to the weather man
No it doesn't really matter what it is he has to say
'Cause tomorrows keep on blowing in from somewhere
Listening to ther weather – Bic Runga
Selasa, 26 Mei 2009
An empty hall

A while ago I had an online conversation with a close friend. We always communicate online although I know we should do this in persons. We’re kinda close, at heart. He asked me what I was doing, and I said that I’m in the missing of someone. He laughed, and I was sad. I mumbled, it is painful to know that we could not meet a person because of the distance. He laughed harder, said that as long was we are still in the same world, don’t take anything for granted.
I stopped and thought. Now I have friends all over the various latitude and longitude, the numbers added up quite fast. When we were together, I hold their hands tight and smiled, knowing that the moment would finally arrive. And I really wish that I could fly my own jumbo jet to meet them again. This time, it would be in their home towns, where I could see their families, their university, their favorite restaurants and taste their favorite local beer brand. I know, that close friend of mine must be laughing again because he imagined this kind of thing before any of my single thoughts.
But what if, I don’t have the ticket to ride? So, those last times at the train station were the last time I saw their faces with my very eyes. What if, they would be transferred to the other world?
I gulped the air in my empty throat.
Another friend of mine comforted me. Also in an online conversation, so I could not see her gorgeous look and big eyes. She said, from the very start we must realize that all is temporary. The best is to let go. Or else, hold on to the moment. We finally agree to call our families and told them that we are fine at where we are. Just to keep them happy.
But no goodbye is easy. They said we should keep them in the heart. As if it is that simple. The hole is sometimes too wide to mend. I locked my self in the room, thinking hard to cope with this. No no, none present could replace other’s presence. And it hits me once again, right at the heart.
From my deepest condolescence.