Tomorrow will be full entire two weeks that I’ve been in this city. Many things happened, but still I considered days gone by quite slowly here. Other than adjusting with new climate (that’s the hardest thing for me), new system, and new people, mostly I spent times sleeping or else, cooking. Once, I came to a best friend’s room, and we were tuning to youtube and sang along with all our hearts. To our surprise, there are some of karaoke videos in youtube, so the absent of happy puppy could be eliminated a little.
I came here with in group of more than 10 persons. The number has been added up until now. That is quite a lot, in my opinion. A friend said, that I don’t have to worry about homesick. Well, why should I feel homesick, if I carry a home whenever I go? The thing is, I didn’t expect that the problem could arise between us, the people who comes from same land. Are we look alike? Or are we just a personal self with solitude mind? Do you expect your neighbor like the music you play loud everyday? Or do you adjust with the odd time his alarm clock starts ticking?
The temperature has been starting to drop, bit by bit, and I’m still wishing the sun to come out. Yeah, some might say, in your dreams, but you can not stand against my faith. Although, it is scientifically proven that autumn is making its way to this town. But hey it is me, the girl who likes to be drawn in her own thought. So, tonight, let me dream away that we will be just fine here and the temperature will be friendly for our tropical body and mind.
The key of survival is accepting the condition
- my own wise-ass wisdom